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Arm Lifting

Arm lifting surgery is a cosmetic procedure aimed at removing excess skin and fat from the upper arms to create a more toned and contoured appearance. This surgery addresses the effects of aging or significant weight loss, resulting in smoother, firmer arms that better reflect the individual's overall fitness and body shape.

Every human being is different. The surgery process and procedures we offer may change depending on your case.
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What is Arm Lift Turkey (Brachioplasty)?

Arm lift Turkey surgery, scientifically known as brachioplasty, is an aesthetic surgical procedure performed to remove sagging skin and excess fatty tissue in the upper arm area. This surgery is generally performed to eliminate sagging that occurs as a result of the skin losing its elasticity in the arm area. During the arm lift Turkey procedure, the surgeon makes an incision running along the inside of the arms and carefully removes excess skin. At the same time, when necessary, excess fat tissue can be removed with the help of liposuction. The incisions are then stitched in an aesthetic manner, giving the arms a firmer and more sculpted appearance. This surgery is especially suitable for people who have experienced serious weight loss or have sagging in the arm area due to aging.

Why is Arm Lift Aesthetics Performed?

Arm lift aesthetics may be preferred for functional reasons as well as aesthetic concerns. The main purpose of this surgery is to remove sagging skin in the arm area and provide a younger, tighter appearance. Flabby arms can be aesthetically pleasing and can negatively affect a person's self-confidence, especially when wearing short-sleeved or sleeveless clothing. With arm lift aesthetics, this problem is solved and the arms are provided with a more smooth and proportionate appearance.

Additionally, excessive skin sagging can cause physical discomfort in some people; For example, diaper rash and infections may occur due to friction and irritation under the skin. Such conditions can be significantly reduced or completely eliminated with arm lift surgery. The surgery improves the person's quality of daily life, allowing him/her to move more comfortably and providing a wide range of clothing options.

Why Does Arm Skin Sag?

There are several main reasons why arm skin sags. One of the most common causes is aging. As we age, the skin's natural elastin and collagen production decreases, causing the skin to lose elasticity and firmness. These biological changes can cause skin sagging, especially in areas where movement is frequent, such as the arms.

Additionally, rapid weight loss can also cause arm skin to sag. When weight is lost rapidly, especially if a large amount of weight is lost, the skin cannot adapt to its previous size over time and loses its elasticity. This condition is especially seen in people who have had bariatric surgery or follow intense diet programs.

Genetic factors may also play a role in sagging arm skin. Some people may genetically have less elastic skin, making them more prone to sagging skin. Finally, environmental and behavioral factors such as sun exposure and unhealthy lifestyle can also accelerate the skin aging process and increase sagging.

Things to Consider Before Arm Lift Surgery

There are a few important points to consider when preparing for arm lift surgery. First of all, it is recommended that patients do not smoke in the preoperative period because smoking impairs blood circulation and can negatively affect the wound healing process. Additionally, patients may need to stop taking medications or supplements that can thin the blood for at least two weeks before surgery. These include aspirin, ibuprofen, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E.

Before surgery, patients' attention to their nutritional status, adequate protein intake and a healthy diet support healing. Patients should also consume adequate water and maintain a good hydration status until the day of surgery.

It is very important that patients have open communication with their surgeon about surgery goals, expectations, and possible risks. During these interviews, patients should report in detail their medical history, any surgeries they have had, and all medications they use. The surgeon evaluates this information and plans whether the patient is suitable for surgery and how the surgery will be performed.

How is Arm Lift Surgery Performed?

Arm lift surgery is a procedure performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes one or more incisions on the inside of the arm to remove excess skin and fatty tissue. The location and size of the incisions vary depending on the amount of skin and fat to be removed. Often, incisions can extend from the armpit to the elbow.

The surgeon carefully removes excess skin and, when necessary, excess fatty tissue is removed by liposuction. The remaining skin is then tightened, reshaped, and secured with stitches to create a smooth contour. During the surgery, the surgeon takes care to achieve an aesthetic appearance and performs precise work to ensure that the scars are as less visible as possible.

How Long Does Arm Lift Surgery Take?

The duration of arm lift surgery may vary depending on the techniques applied and the scope of the surgery. Usually, this type of surgery can take between 2 and 4 hours. The duration of the surgery may vary depending on the patient's needs, the amount of skin and fat to be removed, and whether additional procedures (for example, liposuction) are performed. How carefully and meticulously the surgeon performs the surgery is also one of the factors that affects the duration.

After completion of the surgery, patients are usually observed for a short period of time and can be discharged on the same day. However, in some cases, patients may need to stay in hospital overnight. The patient's general health condition and postoperative recovery process are important factors affecting this decision.

Is Arm Lift Surgery a Painful Operation?

Since arm lift surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia, no pain is felt during the operation. However, in the postoperative period, as the anesthesia wears off, some patients may experience mild to moderate pain. These pains may occur due to the cuts and stitches applied by the surgeon and can usually be controlled with painkillers prescribed by the surgeon. Patients' pain levels may vary depending on their personal pain tolerance, the scope of the surgery and the intensity of the procedures performed.

Pain management is an important part of the healing process and is necessary for patients to have a comfortable recovery period. Patients should notify their doctor immediately if their pain increases or if they experience unexpected symptoms. Proper pain management early on can speed up the healing process and provide a more comfortable recovery.

Who Should Have an Arm Lift?

Arm lift surgery is a plastic surgery procedure generally preferred in cases where skin elasticity decreases and sagging increases. This process is usually applied in the following situations:

After Weight Loss: People who lose a large amount of weight may experience sagging in the arm area, especially if their skin elasticity is low. These saggings usually do not improve with diet and exercise, and surgical intervention may be required for an aesthetic appearance.

Aging: As we age, skin elasticity decreases and sagging may naturally occur in the arm area. These changes that come with aging can be corrected with arm lift surgery and a younger and tighter arm appearance can be achieved.

Genetic Factors: Some people may have genetically less elastic skin, which may cause the arms to sag at an early age. Genetically prone sagging can be corrected with aesthetic intervention.

Arm lift surgery is usually performed on people who feel physical discomfort or have aesthetic concerns. Surgery helps patients feel better and increases their confidence.

What is the Post-Arm Lift Surgery and Recovery Process?

The recovery process after arm lift surgery varies depending on the patient's general health condition, the scope of the surgery and personal recovery rate. The first few days after surgery are usually spent with rest and patients are advised to keep their arms elevated. This helps reduce swelling and improve blood circulation. Patients can usually return to their normal daily activities within the first week after surgery, but they should avoid activities such as heavy lifting and intense exercise.

Stitches can be removed within 1-2 weeks after surgery, and full recovery takes 4-6 weeks for most patients. During the recovery process, wearing special compression clothing recommended by the doctor supports healing and helps to achieve faster results. It is also important for patients to attend regular follow-up appointments and report any signs of infection or problems with healing to their doctor. During the healing process, healthy nutrition and adequate water consumption support skin health and contribute to faster recovery.

What are the Risks Associated with Arm Lift Surgery?

Arm lift surgery, like other surgical procedures, carries some risks. These risks include infection, bleeding, anesthesia-related complications, and delays in wound healing. Infections from surgical incisions can slow the healing process and require additional treatments. Bleeding may occur during and after surgery and may require blood transfusion in some cases. Risks associated with anesthesia may vary depending on the patient's current health condition and the type of anesthesia and can rarely lead to serious health problems.

Conditions such as delays in wound healing or excessive keloid formation at the wound site may negatively affect aesthetic results. In addition, aesthetic problems such as less satisfaction than expected and asymmetry may occur as a result of the surgery. These risks vary depending on the patient's skin type, lifestyle and surgeon's experience.

Can Liposuction be Performed Together with Arm Lift Surgery?

Yes, liposuction can be performed together with arm lift surgery. This combination is especially preferred in cases where there is both excess skin and excess fatty tissue in the arm area. While liposuction helps the arm gain a smoother and more contoured appearance, arm lift surgery removes sagging skin. The combination of these two procedures is often used to achieve more satisfactory aesthetic results.

Surgeons can plan these procedures during the same surgical session or in separate sessions, depending on the patient's needs and body structure. Performing both procedures together can shorten the healing process and overall recovery time and offer the patient a more comprehensive recovery at the same time.

Will There Be Any Scars After Arm Lift Surgery?

Yes, scars remain after arm lift surgery; However, surgeons use special techniques to make the scars as less visible as possible. Incisions are usually made in hidden areas on the inside of the arms, near the armpit or below the elbow. This way, the scars are not noticeable in normal posture. The visibility of scars may vary depending on the patient's skin type, wound healing capacity, and the technical skill of the surgeon.

Does Arm Lift Surgery Need to Be Repeated?

Whether arm lift surgery will be repeated depends on several factors. Generally, the results obtained after this surgery, also known as brachioplasty, can be long-lasting. However, factors such as the patient's lifestyle, skin elasticity and general health condition may affect the permanence of the results. For example, factors such as excessive weight gain or loss after surgery or severe sun damage may cause the skin to sag again, in which case additional correction may be required.

As the aging process continues, the skin may naturally loosen somewhat over time. This may become more evident, especially in older ages, when the skin begins to lose its natural elasticity. Some patients may prefer minor touch-ups or additional lifting to revitalize their aesthetic appearance after years.

Is Arm Lift Aesthetics Permanent?

Arm lift surgery can be considered permanent because the excess skin and fat tissue removed during the procedure does not return. However, long-term preservation of the aesthetic results of the surgery depends on the patient's lifestyle and the natural aging processes in the body. Maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise and avoiding extreme weight fluctuations can help maintain results over long periods of time.

Additionally, taking care of skin care and protecting yourself from the sun are important factors in maintaining skin elasticity and health. With these methods, the smooth and tight arm appearance obtained after arm lift aesthetics can be preserved for many years.

At What Age Can Brachioplasty Surgery Be Performed?

There is no strict age limit for brachioplasty surgery, but this procedure is usually performed on adults aged 30 and over. Brachioplasty may be more effective in individuals in this age group because skin elasticity begins to decrease and sagging occurs with age or as a result of significant weight changes. Surgery is a suitable option for individuals who are in good health and have realistic expectations for the results of surgery.

In order for the surgery to be performed, the patient must be suitable for the operation under general anesthesia and must give informed consent for the possible risks of the surgery. Since each patient's health condition and aesthetic needs are different, the person who will undergo brachioplasty surgery must go through a comprehensive evaluation and consultation process with his surgeon. The surgeon will decide whether surgery is appropriate, taking into account the patient's medical history, lifestyle, and aesthetic goals.

Can I Do Sports After Surgery?

Exercising after arm lift surgery is an important part of the recovery process, but it needs to be timed carefully. It is important to avoid heavy exercises and sports that require strength in the first weeks after surgery, especially the first 2-4 weeks. During this period, patients are recommended to take light walks, which increases blood circulation and contributes to the healing process.

Generally, patients can return to light to moderate exercise within 4-6 weeks after surgery. However, before fully returning to all exercise and sports activities, the surgeon's approval must be obtained. The surgeon will make specific recommendations based on the patient's recovery status and determine when more intense exercises can be started. Activities such as heavy lifting and intense bodybuilding should generally be postponed until 6-8 weeks or longer.

Will the Arm Sag Again After Surgery?

Although arm lift surgery is designed to provide permanent results, it may be possible for the arm to sag again over time and especially with lifestyle changes. The skin continues to lose elasticity with the natural aging process, which can cause sagging to reappear. Additionally, significant weight gain or loss after surgery may cause the skin to sag again.

To maintain skin health and minimize the effects of sagging, it is important to exercise regularly, follow a healthy diet, and avoid excessive sun exposure. Harmful habits such as smoking also negatively affect skin elasticity, so avoiding such habits is beneficial for healing and long-term results.

When Can I Go to Work After Arm Lift Surgery?

The time it takes to return to work after arm lift surgery varies depending on the nature of the patient's profession and the speed of recovery after surgery. Those who work in light jobs can usually return to work 1-2 weeks after surgery. However, this period may be longer for those who work in more physically demanding jobs.

Murat Çimencan MD

Bülent Cihantimur MD

Prof. Dr. Cenk Şen

Fevzi Kunter Erten MD

İsmail Murat Onyedi MD

Treatments Video

Important information!

To perform a arm lifting procedure, there are three main steps:

Consultation : Discussing needs and outcomes

Before the procedure, you will have a consultation with your doctor to discuss your goals, outcomes.

After agreeing on the details, our medical staff schedule your operation day.

On the surgery day, the patient follows a detailed procedure designed to achieve the desired aesthetic outcome. The process starts with preparing the patient for surgery, including administering anesthesia to ensure a smooth process.  Once the patient is under the effect of anesthesia, the surgeon makes incisions in predetermined locations.Sometimes this might be on the underside of the arm or within the inner arm, to minimize visible scarring. These incisions allow the surgeon to remove excess skin and fat, and to tighten the underlying supportive tissue.

Incisions vary according to the amount of excess skin and the specific areas needing correction. In cases of minimal excess skin, an incision might be limited to the area near the armpit. For more extensive reshaping, the incision may extend from the elbow to the armpit, following the natural contours of the arm to enhance the final aesthetic result.

After reshaping and tightening the tissue, the surgeon shapes the new contour of the arm with sutures. Excess skin is removed, and the remaining skin is smoothed over the newly formed arm shape. Once the restructuring is complete, the incisions are closed—either with absorbable sutures or stitches.

Following arm lifting surgery, it's common for patients to experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the upper arm area. Your surgeon may prescribe pain medication to ease these symptoms. Good care routine for the incision sites is crucial to prevent infection and fastens smooth recovery. Patients are said to limit physical activity, particularly exercises that strain the upper arm muscles, for about 4 to 6 weeks post-surgery to ensure ideal healing. Wearing compression garments is really important for this period. These garments help reduce swelling and support the new shape of the arms.

It's also important to protect the incision sites from direct sunlight to minimize the visibility of scars. Although many patients find they can resume their normal  routines within 2 to 4 weeks, the complete healing process and the final settling of the arms' appearance might take a couple months. 

Following your surgeon's post-operative care instructions carefully is crucial for achieving the best results from the surgery.

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I went to Estetik International for hair transplant.I want to express my deep gratitude to the clinic and staff for professional and high quality work. The whole organization starting from online consultation, preparation for surgery and operation itself was very good.

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